From time to time we still get hammered by the odd slow payer.
In some cases these are sole traders who are pretending that they have a big business, place a sensible order, pick up the goods, and then hide behind a false or virtual address, and stop answering their phones.
Here's the latest one, and I'm posting the information on this person, so no-one else gets taken in.
Aubrey Kevin Jackson (residential address unknown, maybe Auckland)
Also known as Kevin A Jackson, A Jacks, Aubrey Jackson.
Trading as
Emergency and Safety Products
P.O. Box 106910
Auckland City 1143
The P.O. Box is a generic one for Private Box, an online postal service for multiple businesses, and their physical address in Auckland is 17B Farnham St, Parnell, Auckland 1052.
Kevin Jackson, as he is commonly known, is paying Private Box to answer his phone calls on 09-320-4378, but they will not give out Kevin's cellphone number.
As at 24 March 2016, I think his private cellphone number is 022-426-7925 , but he's unlikely to answer it.
Kevin formerly worked as a service technician for Schindler Lifts in Hamilton (until the end of 2015), and his business called Emergency and Safety Products has a website page,
This is a single page website with no contact details except the landline number, the whois listing is no help (registered in USA), and Aubrey Kevin Jackson appears to have no record in the NZ Companies index.
email addresses:
This is an elaborate setup to allow Kevin Jackson to be almost invisible once he has picked up the goods. My recommendation as a supplier is not to deal with him unless he's paying for goods before pickup.
Kevin has since paid his account with us in full, over 90 days after picking up the custom-made goods.
Graham Lynch, owner, Novel Ways Ltd, Hamilton
In some cases these are sole traders who are pretending that they have a big business, place a sensible order, pick up the goods, and then hide behind a false or virtual address, and stop answering their phones.
Here's the latest one, and I'm posting the information on this person, so no-one else gets taken in.
Aubrey Kevin Jackson (residential address unknown, maybe Auckland)
Also known as Kevin A Jackson, A Jacks, Aubrey Jackson.
Trading as
Emergency and Safety Products
P.O. Box 106910
Auckland City 1143
The P.O. Box is a generic one for Private Box, an online postal service for multiple businesses, and their physical address in Auckland is 17B Farnham St, Parnell, Auckland 1052.
Kevin Jackson, as he is commonly known, is paying Private Box to answer his phone calls on 09-320-4378, but they will not give out Kevin's cellphone number.
As at 24 March 2016, I think his private cellphone number is 022-426-7925 , but he's unlikely to answer it.
Kevin formerly worked as a service technician for Schindler Lifts in Hamilton (until the end of 2015), and his business called Emergency and Safety Products has a website page,
This is a single page website with no contact details except the landline number, the whois listing is no help (registered in USA), and Aubrey Kevin Jackson appears to have no record in the NZ Companies index.
email addresses:
This is an elaborate setup to allow Kevin Jackson to be almost invisible once he has picked up the goods. My recommendation as a supplier is not to deal with him unless he's paying for goods before pickup.
Kevin has since paid his account with us in full, over 90 days after picking up the custom-made goods.
Graham Lynch, owner, Novel Ways Ltd, Hamilton